The Surprising Reason Behind Increased Car Noise After an Oil Change

Many car owners have noticed that their vehicle seems to sound louder when accelerating after an oil change. This can be quite puzzling, especially since an oil change is supposed to improve the performance of the car, not make it noisier. So, what could be the surprising reason behind this increased car noise after an oil change? Let’s delve into this issue and shed some light on the possible causes.

Understanding the Role of Oil in Your Car

Before we can understand why an oil change might lead to increased noise, it’s important to understand the role of oil in your car. Oil serves as a lubricant for the engine, reducing friction between the moving parts and helping to dissipate heat. Without oil, the engine parts would grind against each other, leading to wear and tear and potentially serious damage.

The Type of Oil Matters

One of the main reasons why your car might sound louder after an oil change is the type of oil used. Not all oils are created equal, and using the wrong type can lead to increased noise. For instance, synthetic oils are designed to withstand higher temperatures and last longer than conventional oils. However, they can also be thinner, which might lead to more noise when the engine is running.

Incorrect Oil Level

Another potential cause of increased noise after an oil change is an incorrect oil level. If too much or too little oil is added during the change, it can lead to increased engine noise. Too much oil can cause the oil to foam, which reduces its lubricating properties and can lead to increased engine noise. On the other hand, too little oil means there’s not enough to lubricate the engine, which can also lead to increased noise.

Improper Installation of the Oil Filter

Finally, the noise could be due to improper installation of the oil filter. The oil filter is responsible for removing impurities from the oil before it reaches the engine. If it’s not installed correctly, it can lead to oil leaks, which can cause increased engine noise.


In conclusion, there are several reasons why your car might sound louder after an oil change. It could be due to the type of oil used, an incorrect oil level, or improper installation of the oil filter. If you notice increased noise after an oil change, it’s best to take your car back to the mechanic to ensure everything was done correctly. Remember, regular oil changes are crucial for the health and longevity of your car, but they need to be done right.