The Curious Phenomenon: Why do Drivers of Regular Sedans Veer Left Before Turning Right?

Have you ever noticed how some drivers, particularly those in regular sedans, tend to veer slightly to the left just before making a right turn, and vice versa? This curious phenomenon is not just a random occurrence, but a driving habit that has its roots in both human psychology and the mechanics of vehicle maneuvering. Let’s delve into the reasons behind this intriguing driving behavior.

Understanding the Swing-Out Effect

One of the primary reasons drivers veer in the opposite direction before making a turn is to create what is known as the ‘swing-out effect’. This maneuver allows the driver to make a wider turn, which can be particularly helpful when driving larger vehicles. However, this habit often carries over to drivers of smaller vehicles, such as sedans, even though it’s not necessary.

The Role of Perception

Another factor that contributes to this phenomenon is perception. When a driver veers slightly to the left before making a right turn, it gives them a better view of the road they are turning into. This slight shift in position can make it easier to spot any oncoming traffic or pedestrians, thereby enhancing safety.

Comfort and Ease of Turning

Some drivers veer in the opposite direction before turning because it makes the turn feel smoother and less abrupt. This can be particularly beneficial in situations where the driver needs to maintain a certain speed while turning, such as when merging onto a highway.

Is it a Good or Bad Habit?

While veering in the opposite direction before turning can have its benefits, it’s not always a good driving habit. In fact, it can sometimes lead to confusion for other drivers and potentially cause accidents. Therefore, it’s important for drivers to be aware of their surroundings and use their best judgment when deciding whether or not to use this maneuver.


In conclusion, the phenomenon of drivers veering left before turning right, or vice versa, is a complex one that involves a combination of factors. While it can sometimes be beneficial, it’s not always the best or safest driving habit. As with any aspect of driving, it’s important to always prioritize safety and be aware of how your actions may affect other road users.